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¡ Hello, Bonjour, Hola !
My name is Bridgett

Nacer en una familia bilingüe y bicultural me proporcionó un don que no entendí completamente hasta que crecí. A través de mi educación, me sumergí adicionalmente y me acerqué a la cultura francesa. Como educadora, he trabajado en escuelas públicas y privadas / independientes de inmersión en español y francés desde el preescolar hasta el grado 12. He pasado mi vida sumergiéndome en varias culturas y enseñando el idioma y la cultura francesa y española como carrera. Creo que la única forma en que realmente podemos lograr la paz y la comprensión mundiales es mediante el desarrollo de nuestras conexiones con diferentes culturas e idiomas en todo el mundo.


Soy una persona motivada con una pasión e historia demostradas en la educación bilingüe e internacional.


Soy experto en inmersión, enseñanza de idiomas duales y extranjeros, reclutamiento, divulgación, administración, desarrollo de asociaciones y servicios para estudiantes desde la primera infancia hasta entornos de educación superior.

Being born into a bilingual and bicultural family provided me with a gift I did not fully understand until I became older. Through my education, I became additionally immersed and close to French culture. As an educator, I have worked in both public and private/independent French and Spanish immersion schools from preschool through 12th grade. I have spent my life immersing myself in various cultures and teaching French and Spanish language and culture as a career. I believe that the only way we can truly achieve world peace and understanding is through developing our connections to different cultures and languages around the world. 


I am a motivated individual with a demonstrated passion and history in bilingual and international education. 


I am skilled in immersion, dual, and foreign language teaching, recruitment, outreach, administration, partnership development, and student services from early childhood to higher education settings. 



Être née dans une famille bilingue et biculturelle m'a fourni un cadeau que je n'ai pas complètement compris jusqu'à ce que je sois plus âgée. Grâce à mon éducation, je suis devenue en plus proche de la culture française. J'ai travaillé aux écoles d'immersion françaises et espagnoles publiques et privées/indépendantes de la maternelle à la 12e année en tant qu'institutrice. J'ai passé ma vie à me plonger dans diverses cultures et à enseigner la langue et la culture française et espagnole comme carrière. Je crois que la seule façon dont nous pouvons vraiment parvenir à la paix et à la compréhension mondiale est de développer nos liens avec différentes cultures et langues à travers le monde.


Je suis une personne motivée avec une passion et une histoire démontrées dans l'éducation bilingue et internationale.



Je suis compétente dans l'enseignement en immersion, en "dual language," et dans les langues étrangères, le recrutement, la sensibilisation, l'administration, le développement de partenariats et les services aux étudiants de la petite enfance aux établissements d'enseignement supérieur.


Bridgett Figueroa

Trilingual Educator and International Education Administrator




2017 - Present

Self Employed, NY and CA

French Immersion Tutor

  • Tutor over 15 students ranging from kindergarten level to adult level in French on a weekly basis to improve their proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension in an immersion based technique in person and via Zoom. 

  • Create customized lesson plans in accordance to level, personal goals, learning styles, and personal interests. 

  • Provide feedback to students using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage and build confidence in students.

2020 - 2021

NADAP, New York, NY

Bilingual IPA Navigator

  • Provided state health care education and enrollment services to individuals in French, Spanish, and English. 

  • Actively marketed and promoted the program to French and Spanish speakers, international students, refugees, and immigrant target populations.

  • Developed partnerships with community organizations. 


College Counseling Administrative Assistant

Lycée Français de New York, New York, NY

  • Scheduled daily appointments for students, families, and college representatives in person, over the phone, and via email in both English and French for staff of college counselors and directors through Google Suite

  • Assisted in coordinating annual events and college fairs  hosting 50+ international and domestic college and university admissions officers 

  • Facilitated and managed the mailings and receipt of application materials to colleges and universities both domestically and internationally.

  • Performed all daily administrative functions: answering phones, collecting and sorting mail, and creating and maintaining current student files.

2017 - 2018

French and Spanish Dual Language Assistant Teacher

The Lillian Weber School of Arts, New York, NY

  • Taught the French language to the general English and ICT kindergarten class of up to 13 students.

  • Assisted with French/Spanish immersion lesson plans, classroom management, and administering language assessments.

  • Organized activities and discussions in French and Spanish kindergarten and 1st grade dual language immersion classrooms aimed at developing oral and written proficiency.

  • Developed a positive relationship with each child and promoted the development of self-esteem and self-discipline.



Academic Assistant

EF International Language Center, Santa Barbara, CA

  • Assisted the Academic Director and Lead Teacher in student scheduling, maintaining, and updating student files. 

  • Addressed student and teacher questions and concerns regarding courses, schedules, logistics and CEFR academic levels.

  • Communicated with students regarding attendance and school procedures issues in order to ensure academic success.



Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, CA

Master's Degree

International Education Management with a Specialization in French 



  • Managing People and Resources in Cross-Cultural Context

  • Marketing and Recruitment

  • Program Design

2016 - 2017

Université de Lumière 2 Lyon, France

Education Abroad Program

  • Completed coursework in Translation and Interpretation Studies from English to French and French to English.

  • Served as an English conversation leader and assisted groups of French students of varying levels with their English language pronunciation and conversation skills. 

  • Adapted to an unfamiliar environment and embraced cultural differences. 


2012- 2017

University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Bachelor's Degree

  • B.A. in Sociology specialization in Law 

  • B.A. in French with Honors

  • Minor in Applied Psychology 


  • Recipient of the Distinguished Graduating Senior in the French Major 2015 - 2016


  • Recipient of the UC Education Abroad Program Dan Wise French Scholarship 2016 - 2017


  • Recipient of the UC Education Abroad Program Promise Award 2016 - 2017


  • Recipient of the Tobin Travel Fellowship  2016 - 2017


  • Member of the Pi Delta Phi— Société d’Honneur Française, May 2016



Immersion/Dual/Foreign Language Teaching

English - Native Fluency

Google Suite


Bilingual Curriculum Development

French - Near Native Fluency

Microsoft Office

Administration and Program Coordination

Spanish - Native Fluency


Outreach and


Partnership Developemnt

Student Services

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